Monday, February 6, 2012

Reliogn of gurung people

                 The god of peace. Buddha. Gurung people used to follow the Buddha releiogn mostly. They have their own trust on god Buddha.they believe that in this reliogn  there is lots of peace and make mind towards the peace and happiness. They do believe in god                In this world we have such a periodic reliogn we can find such as Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddha etc. in Nepal we can  meet different people belongs to different reliong . gurung community have also its own reliogn specially gurung people belongs to Buddha reliogn. But few gurungs are releted in Hindu as well as Buddha. Just because of the festival, the festival which is celebrated in hindu reliogn its used to celebrated in gurung commodity also. Inhance we can say that gurung people are involved in both reliogn. But the fact reliogn of gurungs is Buddha.
and used to worship the god to remember them in the sadness and also in the happiness, they believe that the sarrow is also the path of success by god to make life success and happiness to give incourage in life to get more success. How often the gurung commodity believe in all the reliogn because they think all the god gives us strength in our falour.

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