Pokhara is a beautiful city where people like visit and stay as long as they can. Obisiously gurung people also love the beautiful place to make home and to get the facilities of science. Here in pokhara we have so many facilities availability better then the villages therefore people used to come here and make the houses for their lifetime. Here in pokhara so many gurung people have made the houses and their own society in different street. The biggest hosuse of gurung society named ‘tamudhee’is the organizer of th e whole gurung culture and programs in different occasion specially in losar.
Mostly gurung lived here in pokhara they came here from different villages but they have unity just because they belongs to gurung cast. Tamudhee organize theprograms in all the occasion culturally and to promote the gurung people towards to success. It used to organize so many quiz contest to the gurung studetnts and give them prizes to encourage them for more learning and developing their knowledge about the nation and motherhood of own status. In pokhara there are many gurung people in the sector of poltical, educational, cultural etc they involve in those sector to get the communication with the other people who lived here in pokhara. So the gurung society in pokhara seems good and all the gurung people living here in pokhar with people brotherhoodly.
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