Marriage is special to every one just because it is the system of our society and every cast, every religion they marriage for naturall process. Without marriage we cant make this nature ahead with the generation. We have to comple the natural system of this world it doesn’t matter how people used to see about marriage because its upto those people who believe in marriage or not. But gurung people do believe in marriage that’s why they used to do marriage in their won culture accordint to the rules and regulation of the society.
Mostly gurung do marriage in gumba where lama read the marriage mantra and the marriage cuple should follow the rules according to the lama. Generally gurung people love to marriage with the solti and soltini which is mama ko chori and phupu ko chora. But nowadays gurung people is getting marriage wid another cast also which named intercast marriage. It is mostly famous in young generation but also mostly loved to be in their own culture.